Category: Duties On Exports or Imports

  • Property Taxes

    Property Taxes (Duties on Exports or Imports)Overruling a line of prior decisions that it thought misinterpreted the language of Brown v. Maryland, the Court now holds that the clause does not prevent a state from levying a nondiscriminatory, ad valorem property tax upon goods that are no longer in …

  • Privilege Taxes

    Privilege Taxes (Duties on Exports or Imports)A state law requiring importers to take out a license to sell imported goods amounts to an indirect tax on imports and hence is unconstitutional.1 Likewise, a franchise tax upon foreign corporations engag…

  • Inspection Laws

    Inspection Laws (Duties on Exports or Imports)Inspection laws "are confined to such particulars as, in the estimation of the legislature and according to the customs of trade, are deemed necessary to fit the inspected article for the market, by giving the purchaser public assurance that the art…

  • Duties on Exports and Imports

    Clause 2. Duties On Exports and ImportsNo State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or …